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La Ferme du Hingair

Fruits et légumes

(5) Basé sur 6 avis Google

Fruits et légumes

Presentation of this local producer

La Ferme du Hingair offers you about thirty vegetables all year long as well as strawberries, rhubarb, plums, apples. Germain MAHEO cultivates on 2 ha in organic farming since 2013 and hopes to transition to a "living agriculture" since 2017. These are agronomic practices that aim to protect the soil by a permanent plant cover and never worked by a tool. The objective being living soils, a farm self-sufficient in inputs, store carbon, improve water quality, improve biodiversity and establish a correlation between living soils and high food value of products.


Information on the establishment

Name of the operator : Germain MAHEO


La Ferme du Hingair
Le Hingair

06 52 14 08 73

Google reviews

Sandrine Brg

Légumes Trops Beaux et Supers Bons Germain est un Vrai passionné et nous régale avec ses Bons Produits de la ferme 😊Top👍

Arnaud génin

1 accueil sympathique,des légumes très bons et beaux garantis sans pesticides forcément. merci gg

Klervi Muros

Patrick Gougeon

Sandrine V