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Maison Quintin

Poissons et crustacés

Poissons et crustacés

Presentation of this local producer

In Saint-Philibert, the Quintin house has been producing oysters for three generations, in the bay of Quiberon. This family business run by Jean-François Quintin, member of the Toques françaises association, has been able to evolve with the times. In 2011, he opened "Chez Quintin", a tasting table that focuses on home-made products, local fishing and local artisans. Last year, the entire store was redesigned and decorated with fish tanks and local products. Visits of oyster farms are offered.

Spécialités : fruits de mer de la production à l’assiette, huîtres, coquillages et crustacés ainsi que des produits épicerie : Rillettes, soupe de poissons, vins blancs

Information on the establishment

Name of the operator : Jeff QUINTIN


Maison Quintin
7 bis route de Quehan

02 97 55 01 94