Guide d'auberges, hôtels et restaurants, pour week-ends, affaires, séjours et vacances.

Restaurant Cuisine et Sentiment

Presentation of this table

A small restaurant hidden in a quiet street, but really worth a visit! While in Vichy you will not be disappointed: the quality of the products used, the finesse of the kitchen and the kindness and impeccable service of the manager make you come back for sure! The focaccia is to die for and the prices are more than correct given the quality of the meal. We recommend!

Spécialités : Riz frit, ail, crevettes poêlées huile de sésame, Carbonade Flamande, ....





The table

  • Chef : Laure LESIGNE
  • Lunch menu : 18.00€
  • Homemade

Information on the establishment

Name of the operator : Bertrand DEBRIEUX

Language spoken :

  • Anglais

Payment methods :

  • American Express
  • Carte bancaire


Restaurant Cuisine et Sentiment
27 Rue Salignat
03200 VICHY

06 15 13 66 98